

Nourishi Consulting GmbH is a nutrition consultancy whose primary aim is to provide nutrition advice that supports our clients’ general health and wellbeing. The scope of our services does not include diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any specific disease, medical condition or disorder and no comment or advice should be construed as being made for such purposes.

While our founder and nutrition coaches have completed certified and accredited nutrition education courses, they are not physicians, registered dietitians or registered nutritionists. Our nutritional advice is therefore not a substitute for the advice of your physician or other appropriate healthcare provider and if you suffer from any medical or pathological condition, you need to consult with an appropriate healthcare provider without delay.

We also encourage you to visit our website for details on specific nutritional qualifications of Nourishi’s founder and our other nutrition coaches.

If you are already under the care of a physician or another healthcare provider, it is important that you inform them about any changes to your diet, nutritional lifestyle and any supplements you may be taking. Nourishi does not provide any advice on medications and before making any changes to your medication schedule or the dosage, we strongly recommend that you consult your physician or another qualified healthcare provider.

While people typically experience greater health and wellness as a result of embracing a healthier diet, every individual is unique and Nourishi cannot promise or guarantee any specific result based on our consultations or other services.


If you have any questions or comments regarding our Disclaimer, feel free to contact us at getintouch@nourishiconsulting.com

Nourishi Consulting GmbH is a limited liability company registered in Switzerland and with its offices at 2 Hinterburgstrasse, 6345 Neuheim, Switzerland.

Last updated on August 28, 2019